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News > Updates from our ONs > Ellie Mills wins apprentice of the year.

Ellie Mills wins apprentice of the year.

Cap Gemini recognise Ellie's hard work as an apprentice.
Ellie receiving her award
Ellie receiving her award

Degree apprenticeships are becoming a more common route into a career. They give students an opportunity to work and study, gaining much more experience than a traditional degree, as well as avoiding expensive tuition fees.

Ellie, who left Adams in started a Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship with Aston University after the Covid lockdown, initially working from her bedroom. She has now received a First-Class Honours degree. Her perfomance during this time has been recognised as she has just won Cap Gemini Apprentice of the Year.

With over 300 apprentices, this is the time Capgemini have done awards and Ellie was nominated by her manager and the Capgemini UK Early and Emerging Talent team as a recognition for her commitment to the degree, the development of the early and emerging talent community and for leading various internal projects alongside her day-to-day role as a junior project manager.

Now that her apprenticeship has ended, she plans to stay with Capgemini and will be starting a new role as a Business Change and Transformation Consultant shortly.

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