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News > News > ON Harshini Delivers Speech at Haberdashers' Leadership Conference

ON Harshini Delivers Speech at Haberdashers' Leadership Conference

The ON siblings met with our new Front Team
23 May 2024
Written by Rebecca Roberts
Harshini and Dayaanan with Mr Hickey and Mrs Harman at Haberdashers' Hall.
Harshini and Dayaanan with Mr Hickey and Mrs Harman at Haberdashers' Hall.

At the end of April, selected year 12s from all the Haberdashers’ schools gathered at Haberdashers’ Hall to take part in the Leadership Conference as part of the Haberdashers’ Advantage programme. This event aims to help students in leadership roles on the Front Team to develop their confidence and inter-personal skills and to network with peers from other schools.

The event was opened with a dinner for attendees, at which ON and current Blue Peter presenter, Harshini Muthukrishnan, gave a speech about her time at Haberdashers’ Adams on the front team as Darwin House Captain and gave advice about becoming a strong role model.

The event was also attended by Dayaanan Muthukrishnan, who is now a Freeman of the Haberdashers and works at the Bank of America as an Investment Banking Associate. He has mentored Adams’ students in the past with their entrepreneurship challenge.

Our current School Captain, Felicity, said, ““The leadership training was extremely insightful and helped to develop my leadership skills within my role. I enjoyed the assortment of activities especially the Lego building, where you had to work as a team with people you had never interacted with before. The body language talk was captivating and extremely interesting allowing me to recognise my own body language and alter it depending on situations”

It is wonderful to see former front team members and Old Novaportans connecting with current students to pass on their wisdom!

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