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News > News > Are you an book or antique expert? We need you!

Are you an book or antique expert? We need you!

We need help with sorting through our library books to make some space and possibly raise some money.
22 Mar 2024
Written by Rebecca Roberts

When Adams' was founded, it had a book collection that was envied by the nation containing works by Francis Bacon, Galileo, Erasmus. The library expanded into the main Big School area in 1992 and is still just as impressive, with more focus on books that encourage a love of reading - the library is in the process of switching to a new system to make checking books in and out easier for students.

However, there is a room behind the library full of books that are no longer relevant and this needes to be cleared to make room for our ever-expanding archive collection. Our librarian believes that some may be valuable to auction off to raise money for the school - there are some beautifully bound books of poetry. We are looking for someone who can advise us on what we should be doing with them. If you can help, or know someone who can, please contact

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