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News > Career Paths > Annual ON Forum Looking for Volunteers

Annual ON Forum Looking for Volunteers

We are looking for recent ONs who are still at university to meet our current lower 6th and talk about their experiences.

The ON Forum gives Lower 6th pupils the opportunity to talk to ONs who have recently left the school about their choice of university course, apprenticeship programme or employer. The hope is that all pupils will find at least one ON to talk to who is studying a subject they are considering or attending a university they are interested in or undertaking an apprenticeship in an area or with an employer they would like to find out more about.

We would really like to hear from ONs who are currently at university, have recently graduated or who are currently completing or have completed an Apprenticeship who would be willing to give current pupils an insight into their post 18 choices.

The event is scheduled during Activities Week and will take place on Thursday 18th July between 9am and 11am. Please contact if you are willing to take part.

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