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News > News > Creating a Club on ONs Connect

Creating a Club on ONs Connect

You can become an admin of a club to network with like-minded ONs.
23 May 2024
Written by Rebecca Roberts

The ONs Connect platform was set up to enable you to keep in contact with the school, but also to keep in contact with each other more easily. This can be for social reasons or professional networking. To make this easier, there is a “clubs” tab where you can find a club that is relevant to you – perhaps by a particular interest like rugby, a profession such as medicine or by your current location.

There are already a few clubs set up – for example, London ONs, Hong Kong ONs, but if you can’t find one that suits, you can request that we make a new one. Once it has been created, you can become admin for that club and will be able to decide who joins the club, edit the design of the club page and post news articles on the club page.  We will send admins a user guide so they can make the most of the page. These clubs can be then used to organize events where you can get together in person and admins will be able to send an email to all members of the club.

If you would like to request that a club be created, please email

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