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News > News > The swimming pool - then and now

The swimming pool - then and now

Our swimming pool always inspires strong memories with the ONs so we dug up some photos from the archives to show how it has changed over the years.
21 Jul 2023
Written by Rebecca Roberts
A diving competition (undated)
A diving competition (undated)

Whenever ONs visit the school after many years, they are always interested in the swimming pool. Before the current swimming pool was built, Adams students swam wherever they could - the canal, local pools and rivers. An on-site swimming pool was talked about from the turn of the century, but was finally built in 1958 thanks to the family of Kenneth Leach who was the chairman of Governors at the time.

As the pool was open air for most of it's time, it was vulnerable to the elements and nature - there have been tales of breaking through the ice and fishing frogs out of the pool before pupils jumped in. 

The pool was refurbished in 2015 - the cover and heating system were put in place to enable all year round use. The sides of the cover lift up to enable the whole school to spectate swimming events to fit around for the sides. However, these days, the school is so big that the event split over several days and age groups. This year's House Swimming consisted of 90 races overall!

It's obviously a vast improvement on what it was, although students still have to run around the back of the sports hall in their swimmers to get from the changing rooms so there is still room for improvement!

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